Status : Rural Branch of Iliamna, Parent Post Office : Iliamna
Open : 1959-present
Geographic location : 59° 76' N, 154° 82' W
KOKHANOK : Regular Postmarks
cat# | description | type | wording | ||
X | S01 | C32T140B145 | 4B | ILIAMNA, AK 99606 / KOKHANOK RUR. BR. | |
X | S02 | C33T150B60 | SC | KOKHONAK, AK (Spelling error) / 99606 | |
X | S03 | C32T160B65 | 4B | KOKHANOK, AK / 99606 | |
X | S04 | C28-18T180B65 | DC | KOKHANOK, AK / USPS | |
X | S05 | C32T130B50 | 4B | KOKHANOK AK / 99606 |
S01 | |
S02 | |
S03 | |
S04 | |
S05 |
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