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You chose as main characteristic : 1. WOODLAND. Plants, that in a garden need to be planted close to trees or shrubs. They require shade and prefer a peaty soil.
There you chose for : 1. Plants for light shade and a rich, fairly moist soil, with not too many tree-roots. For example near buildings or fences.
And there you chose for : 2. Not too sunny, for instance in a darker corner of a border.
The links below lead you to the list of perennials that all share these first three characteristics plus :
No special characteristics.
Ground-cover plant. Does tolerate other plants well. Suited for a garden with many different plants.
Suckering plant.
Does not sucker much, combines well with other plants.
Suitable for cut-flowers.
To the starting page of the plant catalogue
To the starting page of the perennials
To the start of the search structure for perennials