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Picture and description of Verbascum bombyciferum

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  Verbascum bombyciferum    Verbascum bombyciferum    Verbascum bombyciferum   
Verbascum bombyciferum

Toorts with strong hairy leaves and bloemstengels. This. The size after 10 years is 150 cm. The flower colour is yellow. This plant is hardy.The flowering period is July - September.

This plant has in the system Hansen/Mussel used for describing perennials the following code :

Explanation of the first digit : General location : OPEN SPACES. Plants for an open space, free of trees and shrubs. Always in the sun and a more or less rich soil.

Explanation of the second digit : Specific demands of the plant : Plants for a warm, sunny place, that have the effect of borderplants (with which they combine very well).

Explanation of the third digit : Where to put : Plants that need protection against too much water in winter. Partly used as rock-garden plant.

Explanation of the fourth digit : Other characteristics : Robust, often large plant. Can be used as a solitary plant.

Color : geel

Flowering period : july - august

Size approx. : 170 cm.

Recommended quantity per square meter : 5

Location of the plant shown in the first picture : tuin van Beth Chatto

Family : Scrophulariaceae

© first picture : Marlien van der Linden

© picture 2 : Marlien van der Linden, location picture : tuin van Beth Chatto

© picture 3 : Nurseries PlantenTuin Esveld, Boskoop, Netherlands, location picture : Ommertalhof, Lindlar, Duitsland